Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I'm not a big birthday party mom. I usually invite a few people but it's really low budget & low key. I hate goody bags....hence the Piñata. I throw up the recycled b-day sign, add some streamers and whatever balloons I might have on hand (this year it was congratulations...I don't know why I have them)

My daughter really wanted a Hello Kitty Piñata for her birthday....I could have saved a ton of time by buying the mass produced Piñata from Walmart...but then we wouldn't have had ALL that fun now would we??? Yeah, it was a process but the girls loved doing it. I found myself up till 2 in the morning the night before her birthday finishing it but in the end it was worth it...kinda! We started with a balloon...I blew it up too big. I have done this before and I seem to always have the same problem. It doesn't look big when I blow it up, but after you get the layers of paper mache on, it's always bigger than planned....which means more candy and a heavier Piñata. I had issues with weight on this Piñata. But the result was still a happy kid who got the Piñata she wanted and that makes it all good! So here are a few pic's of the hot mess we like to call...a birthday party.

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