Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I'm not a big birthday party mom. I usually invite a few people but it's really low budget & low key. I hate goody bags....hence the Piñata. I throw up the recycled b-day sign, add some streamers and whatever balloons I might have on hand (this year it was congratulations...I don't know why I have them)

My daughter really wanted a Hello Kitty Piñata for her birthday....I could have saved a ton of time by buying the mass produced Piñata from Walmart...but then we wouldn't have had ALL that fun now would we??? Yeah, it was a process but the girls loved doing it. I found myself up till 2 in the morning the night before her birthday finishing it but in the end it was worth it...kinda! We started with a balloon...I blew it up too big. I have done this before and I seem to always have the same problem. It doesn't look big when I blow it up, but after you get the layers of paper mache on, it's always bigger than planned....which means more candy and a heavier Piñata. I had issues with weight on this Piñata. But the result was still a happy kid who got the Piñata she wanted and that makes it all good! So here are a few pic's of the hot mess we like to call...a birthday party.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


We're well into the first cycle of Classical Conversations...week 5 to be exact. I think we're jammin!

I've been really getting us into a routine...which is great. I need a routine just as much if not more than the peeps! At night I lay out their Great Adventure Bible coloring books. I love this lesson we chose because it's easy and colorful. We're Catholics so we haven't been taught to read the bible...so this is as new to me as it is to them. The Great Adventure Bible has some fun stuff and it's introducing us to the bible in a chronological way. So I have that set out so they can get started coloring while I get a quick workout in. I've been keen on these ZWOW workouts. They are super quick and pretty gnarly. You can pick 10 minute workouts or 30 minute workouts....don't let the 10 minutes fool you....I'm sore every day! The cool thing is that they are free and she is continually updating them!

Ok, back to the school bit. So I also grab video's from the library....A.K.A. our second home.  They are either educational, bible based or "good for your soul" based. This week they watched Pollyanna (it took 3 days because they only get about 20 minutes or so in the AM to watch. Sometimes I let them stream A couple episodes of "leave it to Beaver",  though I find Ward a tad irritating and June needs to lose the dress while she mops. So many cool little DVD's to choose from at the library...it's endless!

We don't have a large flag but I popped a hand held one into the planter in the back and we do our pledge and national anthem to the little guy each day....hey, it works....and that's the start to each day!

Math drill

Skip counting can get boring for my kiddo's so I'm always looking for fun ways to work on our math memory work. The other day I printed out a couple of 100 number chart sheets and we whipped out the bingo blotters. I played the CC skip counting songs and the goal was to hit the numbers WITH the music.... If  it passed and you didn't hit the number you try for the next one and wait for the song to replay and blot the ones you missed then. It isn't easy because the songs are fast in some spots. It's a challenge and it's super fun!