In our is the deal. We live to eat...or at least I do and force the rest of them to go with it...Cuz mama like food. I even like the days when the food is a a plain hotdog (Non GMO, hormone and nitrate free, of course) wrapped in a piece of bread(Organic & NO HFCS) because that is all we have for the moment. It's not always the gormet that moves me...but the breaking of bread with my peeps in as healthy way possible that makes the meal an experience. It makes me feel good to feed my people. I spend the majority of my time planning, making and eating food...oh, and then loads of time cleaning up so I can do it all over food matters. My kids don't get to be picky eaters....we don't do picky in these here parts! Unless you're eat up. Sound harsh? Nothing grates me more than people poo pooing food they haven't kids won't be those people. You don't have to love it but you do have to eat it! When our kids were in school I had the great pleasure of joining them for lunch. (talk about gag) Wow, no wonder kids hate real food. The colors were gray and their plates were very sad looking. I wanted to gather all the trays and do a complete food make over. Don't get me wrong....the kids thought it was just made me want to cry. Below is a pic of a typical school lunch in our home...xo

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